An orange themed care package filled with orange flavored and colored treats. Humor is added to the decorated box flaps with "orange" puns.
Total Time 2 hourshours
Servings 1
Author Wendy Sondov
Cost $20-$35
orange lettering
orange smiley face cutouts
4orange scrap book paper cut to box flap size
1large USPS flat rate box
1heavy duty glue stick
1roll clear packing tape
If using purchased lettering, arrange the letters needed for the words being used on the box flaps. If printing out lettering, print and cutout the individual letters or groups of words.
Print and cutout orange smiley face decorations from online images.
Cut 4 sheets of orange paper to 6" x 11 ¾" ,the size of the box flaps.
Glue the words and decorations to each sheet of orange paper.
Glue the decorated paper to the box flaps.
Cover the flaps with clear packing tape to hold the decorations in place.
Fill the box. Be sure there is no movement in the carton before sealing.
Large flat rate boxes from the US Postal Service are expensive to mail (about $20), however you can fit quite a bit inside and don’t have to worry about weight (up to 50 pounds). Not only are the cartons themselves free, but you can order them online and the postal service will deliver them to your door.
Covering the inside flaps is like wrapping a gift inside-out. The purpose is to make the box bright and cheerful. In addition to the scrap book paper used on this box, flaps can be covered with construction paper, wrapping paper, contact paper, patterned duct tape, or plastic table cloths.
When mailing a short distances, taping over the flap decorations probably isn’t necessary. However, military care packages have to withstand rough treatment and temperature extremes. Taping thoroughly inside and out, helps keep the care package intact.
The Dollar Store, supermarkets, Target, and Amazon are good resources for orange flavored and packaged care package goodies.