This is a Valentine’s Day themed care package for someone I don’t know. I decided to express my caring and support in cookie form. Valentine Envelope Sugar Cookies are sealed with a red heart for caring and a yellow “Support our Troops” ribbon.

Care package decorating
Attempting to emphasize the caring hearts and yellow support ribbon idea, I lined the packing box with hearts cut from rainbow striped paper, and taped a yellow ribbon to each.
Care package contents
- The box was loaded with as much chocolate candy as possible, and needed very little tissue paper filler. I took a “one of each” approach when it came to deciding what kinds of candy bars to buy.
- The sweet Valentine gorilla was an impulse buy from the Dollar Store. I remembered that Operation Gratitude includes little stuffed mascots in all of their military care packages and they are big time experts, having shipped more than a million boxes. I followed their lead. This little gorilla was destined to warm military hearts in Afghanistan.
Circle Sugar Cookies
I know. The cookies this month aren’t circles. Circles, having no corners, are less breakable when shipping, but this month I am sharing iced rectangles. Valentine Envelope Sugar Cookies are so simple, they are fool proof.
Cookie instructions
- I used one batch of Cut Out Vanilla Sugar Cookies. The 12 cookies for this care package used 1 batch of Glaze Icing Recipe. Almost all of the icing was white.
- Remove about ¾ cup of icing when it is thick enough for outlining.
- One tablespoon of the thick icing is colored yellow and placed it in a piping bag with a tiny round tip.
- The rest of the thick icing is left white and placed in a piping bag with a small round tip.
- The remaining icing was thinned to a flooding consistency and placed in a piping bag with a slightly larger round tip.
- Outline all of the cookies in the thicker white icing around the outer edge and allow to set slightly for about 30 minutes before flooding the outlined rectangle.
- While the flooded icing is setting for an additional hour, pipe yellow ribbons onto 12 heart sprinkles.
- Once the flooded icing has set for an hour, use the thicker white icing to create the lines to look like the back of an envelope.
- Press the heart sprinkles with yellow ribbons onto the tip of the envelope flap.
Always allow iced sugar cookies to air dry overnight to allow the icing to harden before packing.
I used plastic wrap to wrap Valentine Envelope Sugar Cookies in pairs, with bottoms together.
The wrapped bundles are then placed snuggly in a column in a freezer weight gallon zip lock bag.
New recipe
Kiss Cookies were the new recipe included in this box. The two dozen Kiss Cookies were festively sprinkled and definitely appropriately chocolaty.
Soldier B. mentioned that he especially likes chocolate-mint. So, I stuffed the cookies with mint truffle Kisses. After baking, each cookie was dipped in a generous coating of chocolate then topped with sprinkles. Plenty of chocolaty celebration.
This military care package required adapting. Valentines aren’t usually given to strangers.
Valentine Envelope Sugar Cookies are usually made for loved ones with plain sprinkle hearts sealing the flap. These cookies don’t need yellow ribbons of support, but our soldiers do.
Love, love these letter cookies! And that you have thought of our military! Happy Valentines Day!
The Monday Box
Thanks, Heidi! The design is simple, but the message is heart felt. 🙂
These are truly adorable! I love the little ribbons on the hearts!
The Monday Box
Thank you, Colleen! The yellow ribbons are a symbol of support for our troops. 🙂
Debra Needles
Oh, my gosh! I love these! So creative. Thanks for sharing them with us at Funtastic Friday! I hope we see you again 🙂
The Monday Box
Thank you, Debra! Thanks for hosting Funtastic Friday!
Ai @Ai made it for you
Hi Wendy! You are seriously the nicest person ever!? I bet the soldier you sent this to was beyond grateful to receive such a thoughtful care package? Just a reminder, don't forget to add links to this week's Fiesta Friday post, as well as Petra's blog and my blog so you can be considered for features next week!? Thanks for sharing! Happy Fiesta Friday!!?
The Monday Box
Thank you, Ai! Sending military care packages is an honor for me. The boxes give me an opportunity to show my thanks and appreciation for the soldier's service. My goal is to let them know they are in my thoughts and to hopefully cause some smiles. 🙂
Totally adorable! I love the care package idea too!
The Monday Box
Thank you, Julia! There are 28 different care packages (so far) posted on The Monday Box. Just click on the link up top on the navigation bar if you want to see them all. 🙂
Those cookies are absolutely adorable! So cute and I bet tasty as well. Happy Fiesta Friday!
The Monday Box
Thank you, Caroline! Happy Fiesta Friday! 🙂
Tricia @ Saving room for dessert
You are amazing Wendy - such a super thoughtful and talented lady! I can't believe I missed this post. I love the envelopes - they are adorable and will be devoured by grateful recipients. I love a fool-proof recipes and this one looks like a keeper! Thanks for all your do for our servicemen and women.
Oh, Tricia, you are very sweet! I am hardly amazing. Just one regular person trying to make the world a tiny bit better, one act of kindness at a time. 🙂 I only pick recipes that ANYONE could duplicate. You are right about these envelope cookies being fool-proof!
laurel heard
Just saw your beautiful photo in the magazine and the snowman cookie looked adorable. What terrific free publicity for your blog! When you get a moment between baking and photographing call me so we can compare calendars.
Thanks, Laurel! Town & style was very kind to include the link to The Monday Box in the copy. We will get in contact soon, I hope! 🙂
Wendy your kiss cookies are beautiful and the soldier that receives your thoughtful package is indeed fortunate. The envelope cookies, what a creative way to celebrate and share Valentine's Day with a "stranger". OMG! Leesa just texted me that you and your cookies are in Town and Style magazine this week. Mazel Tov! I plan to run out tomorrow to get a copy.
Thanks, Laurel! Finding a way to communicate a non-traditional Valentine message was a challenge. Losing sleep over cookie decorating is both crazy and my new normal. 🙂
The Town & style mention is a wee bit goofy but Dorothy was VERY kind to include The Monday Box in her copy. I fill you in on the details when we meet. Soon?!
I used to volunteer for AAUSS, an organization that connects civilians with deployed soldiers to provide them with support through letters and care packages. These cookies are SO sweet and thoughtful. I just love them! Sharing on FB!
Thank you, Meaghan, for your kind words and for the FB share! I hadn't known about AAUSS, but looked them up as soon as I read your comment. What a wonderful organization! Other bloggers have asked me how they can help show military support. Now I know where to send them! Thanks! "My" soldiers have told me that care packages truly do give a morale boost. They put their lives on the line. My baking a few cookies to show support and thanks is a little thing. 🙂
Those decorated sugar cookies came out amazing Wendy!! And I just love how much thought you put into them ... love the yellow ribbon you put on the seal!
Thanks, Ashley! It took me a long time to figure out how I was going to do a Valentine's Day theme with an untraditional message. Though, "Eat Chocolate!!!" , is one traditional Valentine message. 😉
Can I just say that you're honestly the best cookie-decorator i know in real life? Truly, you should give lessons. Maybe teach an impromptu class for those of us who make struggle cookies (seriously, when i try to ice something beautifully it all goes horribly wrong). You have such a natural talent for it and it's wonderful to see someone using their powers for good. 🙂 happy valentine's day to you and your family!
Shannon, though I have the distinct impression that your social circle of cookie decorating acquaintances is rather limited....I am so thankful to have you in my cheering section! I could teach you all I know about cookie decorating in an impromptu 20 minutes or less. That really is the point of the designs I post for these circle (rectangle) cookies. Honestly, the Wee One could make these. However, I do try to use whatever super powers I may have for good and steer away from the Dark Side. 😉
Jess @ On Sugar Mountain
Wendy these are amazing! What a wonderful way to spread love and support to those who need it most. 😀
Thanks, Jess! Shipping that cookie love all over the world! 🙂
Paula K.
Wendy, the soldier you are sending this package to is going to flip and have to pull everyone over to see those beautiful cookies letters of support! I just wanted to let you know I sent a package of the 3-2-1 Hot Chocolate Cake to a soldier I am supporting (she is a Major), I couldn't find those teeny marshmallows (where do you buy them?) so I just left it at the mini chocolate chips, the chocolate syrup and the marshmallow fluff or creme, I also sent her husband who is a civilian a Valentine's Day package of Toll House chocolate chip cookies and some treats for their dog and cats (all from her via me), she said there is not much support for civilian husbands whose wives are in the service so I thought I would do something nice for him.
What a wonderful, thoughtful gesture, Paula!! I think most people aren't aware of how many military women have to leave their civilian husbands for deployment. That does leave the husbands without much support or acknowledgement for their sacrifices. It makes me smile to think of the happiness your surprise package will bring them! I hope you will let me know how your soldier enjoyed the 3-2-1 cake! I found the teeny marshmallows in the ice cream toppings area of my supermarket (along side the syrups, sprinkles, and crunchy stuff). They are just a cute add-on. Your package included all of the ingredients needed for a fun, delicious treat! I am SO happy that you are finding useful info. here for your military care packages. Thank you, thank you for letting me know!
Liz W.
Seriously Wendy, you are such a good woman. These look beautiful. Brava! Also, I have used the vanilla sugar cookie dough recipe you use, and it is by far the best, so thank you for that! Happy Valentines Day!
~Liz (Project Pastry Love)
Thank you, Liz for your very kind compliment! I don't think that I am any more "good" than anyone else. I am just one regular woman, trying to "do good" when possible. 🙂 When we are open to the possibility, life frequently presents opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. Little, tiny things that can have a ripple effect. I am a huge believer in the wonders of the ripple effect. 🙂 I agree, Lilaloa's sugar cookie recipe(chocolate or vanilla) is great! Every time I try another recipe (just to be "sure") I come back to this one. 🙂 Happy Valentine's Day to you and your guys!